Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Causes of Panu

Causes of Panu

BOOMZ77-Panu is a skin problem that is not only the health but also because of the appearance of white patches left behind. Many cases, even when treated, white patches are often not too lost.

That's because the fungi that cause tinea versicolor produces a substance called azaleat acid, which causes the infected skin color becomes more pale.

When we use drugs that are anti-mold fungus, usually when recovery was pale or white skin color persists longer. It is often considered society as a 'have not healed', whereas which remaining possible is simply bekasnya, whereas the mushrooms already dead.

These drugs usually work to kill mold fungus, not eliminate white marks. Secondhand white usually akan disappear are slowly by itself, or can accelerated with lots of sunbathing.

Various antifungal medications are actually available in Indonesia, ranging from class Klotrimasol, Mikonasol, Ketokonasol, Itrakonasol and Fluconasol. Some of them are sold freely, but some can only be purchased with a prescription.

The treatment of tinea versicolor should remember is not only need drugs alone. We must also be able to control the risk factors if we have it.

Panu is an skin disease who caused fungal infection Malassezia Spp. The disease is characterized by changes in skin color (become more white, red or brown) and with smooth scales. Fungi that cause tinea versicolor is actually normally be found on the skin of everyone.

Some specific risk factors, such as high humidity, frequent sweating, taking drugs antibiotics or other drugs that can lower resistance in the long term, this will make the mushrooms grow more rapidly (overgrowth). Giving rise to skin disorders, among others, in the form of phlegm.



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