Sunday, December 2, 2012

10 Type of The Biggest Shark in the World

10 Type of The Biggest Shark in the World

BOOMZ77-   There are 360 ​​species divided into 8 classes shark. Several types of sharks are predators (predators) and some are completely benign. The shape of this shark was berwariasi, some large, some are small. Below are 10 species of sharks in the world.
10. Bigeye Thresher Shark
Bigeye Thresher Shark
Type Bigeye Thresher shark, Alopias superciliosus, ranks 10 species of sharks in the world. Bigeye Thresher sharks can be found in the equatorial ocean and can be found at depths of 1650 feet on the ocean floor. Bigeye Thresher sharks have a characteristic purplish gray and can live long and great reach 15.1 feet to 795 lbs (360.60 kg).
9. Bluntnose Sixgill Shark

Sharks Bluntnose Sixgill, Hexanchus griseus, is a type of shark to the 9th largest in the world and is often known by the cow sharks. Sharks Bluntnose Sixgill is the kind of family Hexanchidae. Most types of sharks are extinct relatives. The color of this type of shark varies from brown to nearly black. The sharks can live up to 15.8 feet long, but the bigger sharks with this type ever seen.
8. Thresher Shark
Shark is a large shark breed that can live along 18 feet. This causes a Thresher shark occupied the 8th position the world's biggest sharks. These sharks live in his usual equatorial waters of the world ocean. Thresher sharks are often seen slim but do not be fooled by her deception, because these sharks can weigh up to 1100 lbs (498.95 kg).
7. Great Hammerhead Shark 

Great Hammerhead, Sphyma mokarran is the biggest shark of all types of hammerhead sharks that can live 20 feet. Great Hammerheads can be found all over the world like a shark - sharks that live in the waters of the equator.
Unlike other sharks, shark Great Hammerhead is felt as a danger man, they (Great Hammerheads) are a bit more shy in the appeal shark - other sharks, and often looks to avoid humans. Great Hammerhead Shark biggest ever man was arrested by females weighing 1280 lbs (580.59 kg).
6. Greenland Shark
Greenland Shark Shark by the Latin name Somniosus microcephalus or in the know with sleeper shark, Gurry shark, ground shark, gray shark or Inuit Eqalussuaq. This shark is a shark that big and can be found around the northern Atlantic waters, especially many near Greenland and Iceland.
This kind of sharks can live 21 feet long and live for 200 years. Sharks are known for this type of invertebrate animals that have ever lived longest. They tend to live in the depths of 6600 feet below sea level, but the Greenland shark is never caught on camera in shallow waters as low as 24 feet.
5. Pacific Sleeper Shark


Pacific Sleeper Shark, Somniosus pacificus, is the heaviest shark that can live another 23 feet long and weighing up to 800 lbs (362.87 kg). One thing that makes this interesting is the kind of sharks they are one of the few sharks that can be found in the low temperature region (facing the polar regions). They usually live in the deep ocean, with depths up to 6500 feet below sea level.
4. Tiger Shark
Tiger Shark, Galeocerdo Cuvier ranks fourth largest shark in the world with a length of up to 24.3 feet. This large shark can live up to 2000 lbs (907.18 kg) and is well known for its cruelty.
Not just eat all kinds of marine life, but they (Tiger) are also notorious for attacking swimmers. As the name implies, these sharks are very similar to the style of the tiger, they usually live in the waters of the equator, but more likely around the Pacific waters.
3. Great White Shark
Great White Shark, Carcharodon carcharias, is one of the sharks of the world's. These sharks can live 26.2 feet long and weighing up to 5000 lbs (2267.96 kg). Shark Great White is the last of the species of sharks Carcharodon. These sharks can be found in the ocean near the beach at all, so if you're more vacation, make sure to not swim with this species.
2. Basking Shark

Basking sharks, Cetorhinus Maximus is one of the very large sharks and basking sharks make this the biggest shark positions to 2 world. Basking sharks can survive a 40 foot and never caught weighing up to 19 tons. However, despite the large body, these sharks tend to be slow and not a predator / prey.
1. Whale Shark
Whale Shark, Rhincodon typus is the largest shark in the world. Although large, whale sharks (Whale Shark) is also not a predator, they are slow-moving sharks that eat phytoplankton or only a very small animals that live in the sea.
Whale sharks can live so as 41 feet and weighing up to 15 tons. The whale shark is the same as other sharks that can be found in the sea around the equator and warm waters. Species from the life of 60 million years ago was able to live up to 70 years.



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