Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Friends is like two bodys on a single soul!

BOOMZ77- Do you know what sort of friend of friend is the person in your life that adorn your days. True friend is the purpose of looking for every person.
Double check that you have ever knit friendship. Is it still lies there? Or you have forgotten it long before this. Work hard and pursue a career path that does not mean separating you from the friendship.

Some people say that a leader's friends deserted; always do anything alone. Indeed Cleaner towering trees stand alone. Need a low-growing with bushes. So you want to live life? Not.

Do not confuse a career with the life they deserve. Friendship is a part of your life. Establish friendships. You will feel how rich your life. shared sorrow to friends, can reduce pain. Sharing happiness in a friend, solidify happiness.

The wise man said that a friend is one soul in different bodies. And your closest friend is your family. Perhaps that's why friendly lighten your load, because there is no friendship in the calculation.

There you learn to avoid those things that you do not agree with, and always looking for things that you agreed to. That's also why the friendship is power. As the saying goes, life without friends, even his own death. (vata neat)



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