Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Are you sleepy during the day?

BOOMZ77- Often sleepy during the day? You must be reasonable, because lack of sleep a night. In fact, recent research shows that drowsiness and lethargy during the day triggered by an unhealthy lifestyle and emotional stress.

The study, led by Dr Alexandros Vgontzas of Penn State University examined 1741 adults to find out what's causing drowsiness and fatigue during the day. Found 222 participants who had excessive drowsiness and researchers followed up with interviews at 7.5 years later.

The result, researchers found weight gain influence a person continues to experience drowsiness during the day. Besides depression is also a major factor causing excessive sleepiness during the day.

"The main finding of our study indicate that depression and obesity are major risk factors for excessive sleepiness attacks," explains Dr. Alexandros Vgontzas.

Daytime sleepiness and lack of sleep not only makes a person cranky, affecting performance and increased accidents. Worse, health risks like high blood pressure, diabetes and heart disease are also life threatening.

"Epidemic of sleepiness similar to the epidemic of obesity and psychosocial stress. Decrease in gain, depression, and sleep disturbances should be our priority in preventing complications of medical and public safety hazards associated with excessive sleepiness," said Dr Vgontzas, quoted by ScienceDaily (vataneat at www.boomz77.blogspot.com)



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