Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Germs Pictures Frequently We Eat

Germs Pictures Frequently We Eat

BOOMZ77-1. This is a photo image that used to live fleas on the cat and dog fur.

This is the work of science photography competition winner Steve Gschmeissner 61-year-old who has managed to capture some of the dust mites and fleas food is very small in size, and very difficult to be detected is also seen by the naked eye. Beritaunik.net quoted by the Daily Mail says Steve Gschmeissner perpetuate these horrible creatures with cameras equipped with zoom microscope that can magnify the size of up to hundreds and hundreds of times.

2. This is an image of dust mites that normally live on the sofa and bed linen.

According to Steve Gschmeissner, dust mites is usually stay on the sofa chair, our curtains, bed linen and clothes and jackets are also stuffed doll hanging from our children, not at all terrible. It turns out our daily accompanied by creatures of horror like this monster.

3. This is a photo of green fly larvae (maggots) are enlarged to 100 x zoom.

Steve also managed to photograph Gschmeissner green aka maggot fly larvae appear very clear from the closeness and, well horrible gan, just like the creepy alien creatures and scary. Ruanghati.com message, let's keep good hygiene gan ourselves and our environment in order to keep us away from the horrible creatures that are vulnerable carrying the disease.

4. Ticks usually live in bread, cakes are not wrapped in a hygienic packaging.

Some ticks are successfully perpetuated Steve Gschmeissner food that is lice, who used to live on cereal or food that is packed with baik.makanya gan do not snack at random in the street, it's definitely food dust, and we ga tau any kind existing in the dust right.



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