This is the advantage of God that is given to girls!

1. They are more clever mimic.
When he was only three hours, the baby girl was able to imitate, as the beginning of the way he interacts. According to one study, a new born baby girls are better able to mimic the movements of the fingers instead of a baby boy. At the age of toddlers, girls are also more intelligent than boys in imitation, such as pretending to care for the baby. But their ability to behave that does not require interaction, such as pretending to driving a car or watering the plants, did not differ from boys.
2. They are more nimble hands.
Baby girls outperform boys in performing fine motor tasks, and it will remain under their control until well into the nursery (preschool). They are faster in control toys, feeding equipment, even able to write faster (and neater).
3. They are good listeners.
Recent research suggests that girls are better able to familiarize with the human voice, and seems to be more sensitive to the human voice than the voice of other objects. When he heard something rattling, girls and boys will react the same way. But when you talk, baby girls more likely to feel bound.
4. They are skilled at reading emotional expressions.
Female infants are better able to create and maintain eye contact, and they are attracted to individual faces, especially the woman's face. They are also more skilled at reading facial expressions. If you showed a picture of a scary face, for example, they will stare at you, or be sad. Instead, they will be fine if you see a happy expression. Meanwhile, the boys take a little longer to notice the difference between the two expressions ersebut, according to a meta-analysis of 26 studies regarding the child's capacity to recognize facial expressions.
5. They talk faster.
They are watching and listening habits eventually led to satisfactory results. Baby girl using gestures such as pointing or waving faster than boys, and they control some types of games early. Girls understand what you say than boys, began to talk over the beginning (the daughter began to talk about the age of 12 months, while the boys at the age of 13 to 14 months). After that, the girls are more talkative until the age of five.
6. Girls will take care of his parents later.
They not only make your diligent buying clothes and accessories to dress funny, but also better able to provide security to the parents. Unlike boys who tend to spend their free time outside the home, girls are more concerned to accompany their parents at home. When mature, the child is women who are generally better able to take care of her parents are already old.
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