Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Do You Liked cane or sugar?

Do You Liked cane or sugar?

BOOMZ77-"Out of sweetness, use and throw," how smart we are making the old parable. People who are considered to be not useful anymore aside just like that. Sometimes we are angry, if treated as junk. In fact, we will also get rid of junk that no longer exist if the sweetness. It's about who the perpetrator and who the victim alone. We do not like to be a victim, that's all. Do not we also do not want to keep the junk at home? Naturally, if the junk is removed. Unusual is that not yet been discarded junk. Nor is it fair if we have to be junk, but it requires others to continue to enjoy the sweet taste that we no longer possess. By the way, 'junk' is what the heck?Although not a sugar-producing regions, but in my childhood home there were clumps of sugar cane. We used a machete to cut the stem, then peel the skin. Then cut the cane into the size of fingers. After that? We mengungahnya. Sweetness meet our mouths. Then it was time where it just chewed leaves it feeling fresh. In our mouths now just behind residue. We spit out the dregs to the ground. Objects helpless on the ground that is what we refer to as junk. Out of sweet, use and throw. So what to do anymore junk it if not removed? We often describe life that are not useful as junk. We realized if it is not useful, but still determined to not be discarded. That indicates that it is time to change the paradigm of life. For those of you who are interested in accompanying me learning paradigm to improve the living; I invite you to begin by understanding the 5 Natural Intelligence point of view the following:

1. Be the sweetener of life.So many people around us who like to drink coffee. But, I almost never get to know people who drink coffee without sugar. Even though we call it 'black coffee', it turns out it uses the sugar as well. Why sugar is always present in every cup of coffee served? Because sugar makes the bitter taste in coffee seem to be sweet. You who know the original taste of coffee would know if the coffee is actually similar to charcoal. The remaining carbon from the charred bodies. So it's not really good. However, when the coffee into the cup, we provide information on sugar; all of a sudden we enjoy it. Even make it a favorite beverage. Imagine if we could make sense of life becomes bitter sweet. Obviously we will no longer be tormented by bitterness. Fact may be, we become connoisseurs of bitterness. We can dance in flogging the challenges and obstacles. We are still able to smile amid the temptations of wind. And although we are still fortunate to be in the middle of a bitter bitter trials of life. Hopefully we can become a person that is able to sweeten life.

Be nice person, then it is always surrounded.I was in bed all of a sudden a lot of ants. After review, there were remnants of the sugar cookies that we ate with the children. It was true; no sugar, no ants. The ants are no longer considering the location and situation. Where there is sugar, kesitulah they flock together. This is not only true for the ants. Just take a look at the people who can benefit the environment. The generous, always surrounded by his loyal followers. The clergy and people knowledgeable, always be a reference to the seeker of enlightenment. Anyone who can provide benefits to others, we can be sure they are always needed. We? Every now and then someone else that we need so mbok ya loh. But why is the opposite happened huh? They even think as if we are not there. Even if we had handed nyodorkan we face. Still they still do not see. Already advertise, even. But it is also not addressed. Perhaps, because we can not be nice for them personally. Because it is human nature to swarm all things sweet.

3. Stay sweet, then sepahmu never discarded.Let's stop to get angry or upset if other people get rid of us because we judge them to be junk. They are not wrong. We have to think how to not be junk. For if we still have a sweet taste it, they will not forsake us, believe me. I know of a qualified senior executives. After retiring from high jabatanya, I think he'll be like 'sugar-cane' the other. Apparently I was wrong. The company then extended its contract with the system. Then he moved to another company. Then he pulled again by other companies. For me, he is one of those living legend who never allowed himself to 'lose sweetness'. Although she was already well beyond retirement, he remained sweet. Sweetness that still remain stable within himself that he remains a bone of contention to make the big companies. So if we do not want to be a discarded junk, then we must ensure that we remain a sweet person.

4. Enjoy the sweet taste, is not excessive.Now, try taking a spoonful of sugar the best you have. Then suapkan spoonful of sugar into your mouth and chew. Do you still enjoy the taste of sweetness? Basically, everyone loves the sweet taste. However, no one could eat it too much. We all crave the sweetness of life. And we are too greedy to embrace it alone. Even sugar was too much to teach us that sweet taste make your head dizzy, and even we can have the syndrome of insulin tolerance. It's wrong if we think of the sweet life is that everything was wonderful. No. Indeed life is too beautiful person tends to make us greedy. Such syndromes of insulin tolerance life. No matter how much insulin is produced in your body, the sugar will continue to accumulate in your blood. Do you know what happens when there is in our blood sugar more than they should? Hmmmh, you certainly know what I mean. Even the sweetness of life that too much could endanger the lives of yourself. So enjoy the sweetness of life, but need not be excessive.

5. Sweet as anything we, can not escape from nature.Sepah in our sugar cane plantations are not too abundant. But if allowed to remain as litter. We have many options to treat it. If we throw it into the fold underneath, then junk it will add nutrients in the manure that we get. If we throw it into a fish pond, then he will be the growth of plankton and larvae of fish penggemuk food. So, what's so wasted from a pile of junk? No. Sepah completely aware that he can not fight nature. All young people will never get old. All the mighty will be helpless. All the strong become weak. That is nature. But once again let's look at the junk. Even after entering the bin, he's still a gift. If we take faith in the concept of life after death, then we are more fortunate. Because of the belief that we hope we can reap the sweet fruit of saving goodness we did during life. We can expect that, because our faith teaches that every good deed we have done in the name of God, will bring about a commensurate reward. Fortunately for us who believe, because at least we have hope, that our nature is to prepare the home place of natural immortality.No longer need to feel disappointed because it has been struck down by the environment that you expect to give receipts. Maybe they really have flung us because we could not give a sweet taste that they need. It may also be wrong because they can not appreciate the sweet taste we have. But that's not what we need to focus our attention now. Suffice it to always think, how we can deliver more sweetness? Because the sweetness that we scatter, we do not have to shout at the ants to swarm. God willing, sooner or later they will come alone.(vata)



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