Sunday, July 1, 2012

7 Human World Records oldest Printer

7 Human World Records oldest Printer

BOOMZ77-Elders taro, maybe the nickname is appropriate for some of these people. At the age no longer a generally younger age they are already enjoying his life in peace, but they take a different path than usual with an adventure based on the principle of life that they want to achieve very high ideals continued to pursue his hobby or even just print them a remarkable achievement for achievement's.

1. 71 Years - Mt Everest's Oldest Climber

The oldest human being - a man who had climbed Mount Everest was named Katsusuke Yanagisawa of Japan (born March 20, 1936), a teacher, who climbed the northern part of the world's highest peak Himex team on May 22, 2007 in age 63 to 71 years days.



2. 100 Years - Women Tandem Peterjun Oldest

Estrid Geertsen, Danish national woman (born August 1, 1904), making a tandem jump record on September 30, 2004 from an altitude of 4000 meters above the town of Roskilde, Denmark, at the age of 100 years 60 days. 



3. 98 Years - The oldest man (man) who Completing Marathon Running

The oldest human who successfully completed the marathon 26 miles (42 km) is a Greek runner named Dimitrion Yordanidis. Distance completed within 7 hours 33 minutes in the marathon in Athens, Greece on October 10, 1976 when he was 98 years old. 



4. 71 years old - the oldest Ballerina

Charin Yuthasastrkosol, female American citizen who was born in Thailand December 30, 1930, started to learn a new ballet at the age of 47. After that she performed a ballet routine and the last one done in front of Thailand's ambassador to the United Sakthip Krairikish in Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA on July 21, 2002 at the age of 71 days 203 days. 



5. 66 Years - Peski's Oldest Two Pole

Peski oldest in the world in both the north and south poles are male German Norbert H. Kern (born July 26, 1940) of ski exercise at the South Pole on January 18, 2007 and the North Pole on 27 April 2007 when he reached 66 years of 275 days. 



6. 66 Years - Oldest Woman Childbirth

The world's oldest mother was Maria del Carmen Bousada Lara, from Spain who was born on January 5, 1940, which gave birth by Caesarean section at 66 years of age has reached 358 days. No half-hearted grandmother gave birth to twins, Christian and Pau, Sant Pau hospital, Spain on December 29, 2006. 



7. 76 Years - Combined Choir (choir) Oldest

Combination of the age of 10 dancers from the touring choir group Tivoli Lovelies (Australia), from Melbourne, Victoria, Australia totaled 746 years of 147 days when they were featured on the October 12, 2004.



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