Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Once the forms Sand Magnified 110 Times


Once the forms Sand Magnified 110 Times

BOOMZ77-The sand is is a small part of the history of the Earth billions of years ago, even when the creation of the earth the first time, the object is in compliance with the earth and into the beginning of the emergence of life.

The sand itself is created from the remnants of a volcanic explosion, eroded mountains, dead organisms, and even artificial structures, sand-to reveal the history of both biological and geological-local environment. A scientist Gary Greenberg examines the deeper sand, the sand was spectacular color who can express in terms of shape and texture.

Here are the forms of sand by Greenberg in 3D using 3D Edge microscope (magnification 110 times), a collection of grains of sand from around the world.

Causes of Panu


Causes of Panu

BOOMZ77-Panu is a skin problem that is not only the health but also because of the appearance of white patches left behind. Many cases, even when treated, white patches are often not too lost.

That's because the fungi that cause tinea versicolor produces a substance called azaleat acid, which causes the infected skin color becomes more pale.

When we use drugs that are anti-mold fungus, usually when recovery was pale or white skin color persists longer. It is often considered society as a 'have not healed', whereas which remaining possible is simply bekasnya, whereas the mushrooms already dead.

These drugs usually work to kill mold fungus, not eliminate white marks. Secondhand white usually akan disappear are slowly by itself, or can accelerated with lots of sunbathing.

Various antifungal medications are actually available in Indonesia, ranging from class Klotrimasol, Mikonasol, Ketokonasol, Itrakonasol and Fluconasol. Some of them are sold freely, but some can only be purchased with a prescription.

The treatment of tinea versicolor should remember is not only need drugs alone. We must also be able to control the risk factors if we have it.

Panu is an skin disease who caused fungal infection Malassezia Spp. The disease is characterized by changes in skin color (become more white, red or brown) and with smooth scales. Fungi that cause tinea versicolor is actually normally be found on the skin of everyone.

Some specific risk factors, such as high humidity, frequent sweating, taking drugs antibiotics or other drugs that can lower resistance in the long term, this will make the mushrooms grow more rapidly (overgrowth). Giving rise to skin disorders, among others, in the form of phlegm.

Beautiful 4-Threatening Animals


Beautiful 4-Threatening Animals

BOOMZ77-Do not ever be fooled by the beauty and the beauty of colors and shapes of animals around you. Because of the beautiful animals are not necessarily friendly to you, even though it is small and looks harmless animals can injure below even kill you.

The first is the poison dart frog. This amphibian does not have a bad appearance. If we observe the shape and color of this frog has its own beauty. Frog skin is full of color - the color that attracts attention. But it must be careful - careful with these amphibians. Poison dart frogs can stick my tongue out and injure the body and can cause death.
The second is a box jelly fish or a familiar, known as jellyfish - jellyfish box. These animals have thousands spectrum of toxins contained in the tentacles. Box jelly fish live and often appear in Australian waters. Weapons are the flagship stretched its tentacles to stab anyone who is considered to be disturbed. Box jelly fish targets typically are the divers who are curious about the animals - marine animals.

The third is pretty lazy plume clown found on caterpillars. So that the worm is difficult to be seen by humans if it is attached to the trees. Dominance of feathers and colors make it look more beautiful animals. But do not you try to come into contact with animal fur. Because you will be attacked by a dangerous poison.

The latter is a cone snail or slug famous calm and serene. These animals can maintain his body well and has great shock at the end of the base tapering shaped mouth.

10 Poisonous Foods, But We're Not Aware of


10 Poisonous Foods, But We're Not Aware of

BOOMZ77-We do not know a lot of existing content in the foods we eat often, but a lot of foods that have substances that are harmful to the body and is more interesting is there are many foods that contain toxins, but often we eat, well below the 10 toxic foods that we eat often.
A. TomatoesMany of us who do not know that tomatoes were poisonous. Although the tomato fruit itself is not toxic, but the leaves and twigs containing glycoalkaloid tomato plants that can cause abdominal pain and nervousness. Tomato leaves and twigs can be used in cooking, but can not be eaten. Glycoalkaloid This is a powerful toxin that is even used to control the plague.
2. AppleApple as fruit of the herb is very tasty and healthy but you know that apples contain taukah Cyanide / Cyanide, although only in small amounts. Cyanide is present in apple seeds. Although it takes all the seeds are there in 1 apple does not shut down, but it is something that should be shunned. Because if you eat a certain amount, would result in complications
3. CheriCheri is the most eaten food can vary. Can be eaten raw, baked, made sweets, even in the liquor. Although Cheri famous delicious, this fruit contains poisonous hydrogen cyanide. If this cherry pip chewed or destroyed by accident, he would issue a hydrogen cyanide. Hydrogen cyanide poisoning in small doses will result in dizziness, confusion, and vomiting. Poisoning in large doses will mengakibarkan kesulatan breathing, increases blood pressure and heart rate, and even kidney failure can lead to coma and death due to respiratory tract.
4. AlmondAlthough people call it Almond nuts are actually seeds, which are very famous in the world. As his Apples, Almonds also mengadung cyanide. Almond is very poisonous if not processed in the heat of his right to remove toxins. In many countries, Almond was banned for sale before it is processed to remove cyanide from it.
5. PotatoSurely all of us have never heard even eat potatoes. Perhaps we have not heard is that the potato is poisonous. Twigs and leaves and even its own toxic potatoes. If you have a closer look at the potatoes, the chances of us ever see the potatoes are somewhat greenish. This is caused by a toxic glycoalkaloid. In history, this potato deaths have occurred rarely.
Mostly because of drinking potato leaf tea or eating potato greenish. This death does not come quickly and suddenly, but usually its victims will become weak and then fell into a coma. Therefore, do not eat potatoes that have the dots like green eyes, greenish skin, or who have been rooted. Throw the potatoes rather than its present.
6. ChiliIt seems there is no one among us who never eat chili. Whatever the type of chili (chili pepper, curly, green, etc.) contain a chemical called capsaicin. Capsaicin is what makes it a spicy chili. Chemistry is hard sangalah which can be used to remove paint, and even used as a "pepper spray" that can be blinding. Bilan capsaicin is where a certain amount, will cause death.
7. Monkey NutsAs well as almonds, these monkeys are actually not nuts but seeds. By the time you membli raw monkey nuts, peanuts are actually raw but never mind not already steamed first. This is because, these beans contain urushiol poison to the steam is used to eliminate toxins. Monkey bean poisoning is very rare, but the people who worked at the plant to separate the skin from the monkey nuts sometimes have side effects caused by urushiol toxin.
8. MushroomsThere are about 5000 species of fungi in the United States and about 100 known toxic and less than a dozen are fungi that memtikan. In general, fungi can cause digestive disturbances in intestinal gas for an allergy to it. Since the number of species of fungi that exist in the world, it is difficult to know exactly which one is poisonous. Basically, a fungus that grows wild over possible toxic. One of the most toxic type of mold is the "Alpha-amanitin", which can damage the liver.
9. PufferfishVeterbrata fish Pufferfish is the second most poisonous in the world. Korea and Japan, most people like to eat this fish. Many do not know that the liver of these fish are toxic stimuli that can lead to death. Poison known as tetrodotoxin which can cause high blood pressure, numbness and muscle paralysis that can lead to breathing failure and death.
10. Cassava (yuca)Probably not many of us who know these foods. Cassava is found in the Caribbean and South America. Cassava can be eaten sweet or contain cyanogenic glocosides pahit.Makanan which was highly toxic. From the smell, the firm will repel insects and even animals, and if not correctly process will result in death.

23 Characteristics People Love You


23 Characteristics People Love You

BOOMZ77-here some characteristic of someone that love you :
1. People who love you will never be able to give reasons why he loves you. That he knew in your heart and your eyes there is only one.2. Although you already have a special friend or loved one, he did not care! Important to him that you are happy and you remain a dream.3. People who love you always receive what you are, in your heart and your eyes are always the fairest though perhaps you feel your weight has increased.4. People who love you always wanted to know about what you are going through this all day, he wants to know you activities.5. People who love you will send SMS such as 'good morning', 'have fun', 'good night', 'take care', and others, even though you did not reply to SMS her, because the shipment was an SMS that he declare his love , expressed in different ways, not the "I Love you".6. If you celebrate the new year and you are not invited to the party that you held, at least he will make a telephone call to congratulate or send SMS.7. People who love you will always remember every incident that he spent with you, even your own events may have forgotten, because the moment is a precious moment for him. and then, her eyes would look in the mirror. because being with you does not always happen.8. People who love you always remember every word you say, maybe even the words that you never forget to express yourself. as he pinned the words in your heart, how many words do you tell a hopeful him, and eventually you destroy? surely you've forgotten, but not the one who loves you.9. People who love you will learn the songs enjoyed your passion, perhaps even borrow the CD's you, because he wanted to know what you kgemaran - your favorite favorite as well, although difficult fond delight you, but eventually he could.10. When was the last time you met, you may be sick, he would send an SMS or telephone call sentiasa to ask your state - because he was worried about you, cares about you.11. If you said it would take an exam, he would ask when the exam took place, and when the day comes he will send an SMS 'good luck' to encourage you.12. People who love you will give some of his belongings that might be for you it is something ordinary, but her stuff is very special.13. People who love you be quiet for a moment, when you're talking on the phone with you, so you get confused. Actually at that time he was very nervous because you have rattled his world.14. People who love you always wanted to be near you and wanted to spend his days just to you.15. If at any time you have to move to another area, he would always advise that you be alert to the environment that might bring bad influence on you. and much dihatinya he was really scared of losing you, ever heard of 'distant eyes, close to the hearts?'16. People who love you act more like siblings than like a lover.17. People who love you often do things that make bete, such as telephone call you 100 times a day. Or surprise you in the middle of the night by sending SMS. Actually when he was thinking about you.18. People who love you sometimes you miss and do the things that make you dizzy. But when you say his actions make you disturbed he would apologize and never do it again.19. If you ask Him to teach you something, he will teach you with patience even though you might be the dumbest person in the world!. in fact he was so excited because it can help you. he never shirk from fulfilling your request even though it's difficult as any request.20. If you look at his cell phone then your name will adorn most of his INBOX. He still had text messages from you even though you sent it for months or years ago. He also keeps your letters in a typical and you gift to all objects of value for him.21. And if you try to distance themselves from it or react to reject it, he will realize it and disappear from your life, even if it kills him.22. If at any time you miss her and want to give him a chance he will be there waiting for you because he never actually find someone else. He sentiasa waiting for you.23. People who love you so much, never forcing you give him a cause and reason, though his heart struggled to find out, because he does not want you burdened by it. when you begged him to go, he went without blame you, because he really understands what love is.

The 6 Signs He's your soul mate


The 6 Signs He's your soul mate

BOOMZ77-Every time your relationship with a man from the serious stage, it may be time having in mind, whether he will be the companion of your life later. There are some clues that could have foreshadowed to you about the continuity of relationship with him. Some of them may seem silly, but it may have a point. Consider just a few:
Your face is similar toBelieve it or not, some married couples and it looks like this may not happen by chance. The study, conducted by psychologists from the University of St. Andrews found, one would tend to be attracted to other people who have facial features like her own. Meanwhile, another study showed that married couples often have similarities in their physical character. For example, the form of a long neck or middle finger.
You can accept its shortcomingsNo one is perfect. But, if you are secretly frown when she saw her biting her nails or seriously grumbled as he watched a football game and ignore you, be careful. Moreover, when the time comes to mind to change his behavior. Maybe it's not the right guy for you. If you want to receive all of its shortcomings, whatever it is, you are ready to spend the rest of your life together forever.
Only he can make you laugh out loudExperts have always maintained a love affair, a successful relationship is characterized by joy. Starting from the exchange joke, joke, or just a short story that can make you laugh out loud. However, if you tend to behave when with him, or he just makes you cry more often than vice versa, should forget the idea that he was the prince of your dreams.
Your friends love it and vice versaIf he can make friends with your best friend and vice versa, this is a good sign. Especially if your friends are up to say that man is good for you. Because, usually my friends better understand what is good for life and your happiness. They can judge a man by the more objective than your own self in a state of being in love.
You can argue in a healthy manner withWhen it comes to a couple who never argue, it is an oddity. Clearly, the argument does not mean you both do not match. However, if you fight in a bad way (eg throwing to each other), it is a bad sign. The characteristics of a healthy argument is when you and he can talk without having to throw the words of insult or abuse, or marginalizing one another. Life together that you will be ahead with it, certainly would need a lot of compromise. If from now on you are able to resolve differences of opinion in a good way, this will be a great asset for the future.
Your intuition is sayingWhen dealing with a man, you suddenly feel so sure he is a candidate for foster home. Intuition or instinct sometimes is able to contribute much in love. It has been demonstrated by researchers from University College London, who found that the area is responsible for intuition were active in couples who are in love. According to experts, when you felt that the he was a friend lives right, it is a form of expression of your unconscious. Your subconscious mind had been gathering experience that you have spent with other men, sort, and find some sort of benchmark that determines what kind of guy that fits for you. Well, it all came to the surface, you just have to believe it.

Your Headaches and Fatigue?


Your Headaches & Fatigue? The cure of your nose

BOOMZ77-We have the nasal cavity on the left and right. Is the same function to attract and breathe? Actual function is not the same and we can feel the difference, right side represents the sun (summer issue) and the left represents the month (winter issue).
If a headache, try to close the right nostril and breathe through your nose and do the left side about 5 minutes, the headache will be cured. If you feel tired, close your left nostril and breathe through the nose right. Do a back and forth.
Soon, you will feel refreshed. For right nostril off heat, so it's easy to heat, remove the left nostril cold. Of women breathing over the left nostril, so that his heart is easy to cool. Men breathe with your nose right, so it is easy to anger.
Have you ever noticed when awake, which nostril breathes faster? Left or right? If the left nostril breathes faster, you will feel very tired.Close the left nostril and use your right nostril for breathing, you will feel refreshed quickly.The way it should be taught to children, but the effect will be more effective if applied to adults.
I usually feel a headache, and it feels pain. Then I went to the doctor and he joked: "You will be cured of a headache after getting married later!" The doctor did not talk nonsense.What did he tell supported by theory and evidence.
During that time, every night I feel a headache and can not be learned. I am taking medication, but can not be cured. One night, I sat in meditation and close the right nostril and breathe in the left nostril. In less than a week, cured my headache. I continued doing it for 1 month, since that night until now, my headaches did not recur again.
This is my own experience. I tell this to someone else, if the headache, try this way, because it is very effective for me. Many others have tried and succeeded. It is a natural therapy, unlike taking medication long term side effects are possible.
So why not try it?With the practice of respiratory therapy to correct this (attractive andbreathe out), the condition of your body will be relaxed


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